The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The legend of Dracula is born.
0.00 / 6.00

Year: 2023
Status: Released
Length: 119 min
Director: André Øvredal
IMDB: Link to IMDB
Genre: Thriller, Horror
Language: English, Russian
Country: United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, India
Budget: $45,000,000
Revenue: $21,576,744
Popularity: 185.09
Description: The crew of the merchant ship Demeter attempts to survive the ocean voyage from Carpathia to London as they are stalked each night by a merciless presence onboard the ship.
Main Actors
Movie Reviews
Review by MovieGuys
- Username: MovieGuys
Last Voyage of the Demeter, manages to wring every creepy last drop, out of what is, a rather limited setting. This is a disturbing film in many respects. It takes the myth of Dracula as envisioned by Bram Stoker and makes something fundamentally... Read the rest
Review by Admiral Toad
- Username: AdmiralToad
Very middle ground horror movie. The CGI Dracula is pretty boring throughout. Not much new to offer.