The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
0.00 / 6.00

Year: 2023
Status: Released
Length: 111 min
Director: Edward Bazalgette
IMDB: Link to IMDB
Genre: Action, Adventure, War
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Popularity: 97.24
Description: In the wake of King Edward's death, Uhtred of Bebbanburg and his comrades adventure across a fractured kingdom in the hopes of uniting England at last.
Main Actors
Movie Reviews
Review by MovieGuys
- Username: MovieGuys
I enjoyed The Last Kingdom. As a series it wasn't perfect but it was reasonably watchable. Then along came the movie. I'll separate this into good and bad. Lets start with whats bad. Unsurprisingly, more woke revisionist history. Yes, female empo... Read the rest
Review by The Movie Mob
- Username: mooney240
🎬 The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die (2023) 🎬 **Seven Kings Must Die is an adequate film but an unnecessary disruption to a great ending for a show with a rewarding resolution.** Seven Kings Must Die is the conclusion of The Last Kingdom... Read the rest