Fortune favors the bold.
0.00 / 6.00

Year: 2022
Status: Released
Length: 116 min
Director: Ruben Fleischer
IMDB: Link to IMDB
Genre: Action, Adventure
Language: English, Spanish
Country: United States of America
Budget: $120,000,000
Revenue: $401,748,820
Popularity: 581.55
Description: A young street-smart, Nathan Drake and his wisecracking partner Victor “Sully” Sullivan embark on a dangerous pursuit of “the greatest treasure never found” while also tracking clues that may lead to Nathan’s long-lost brother.
Main Actors
Movie Reviews
Review by garethmb
- Username: garethmb
After numerous attempts which saw talent attached only to depart before filming began, “Uncharted” has finally arrived on the big screen. The movie is based on the hit Playstation series of games by Naughty Dog and stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drak... Read the rest
Review by MSB
- Username: msbreviews
FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/uncharted-spoiler-free-review "Uncharted is an action-adventure flick, but despite a more entertaining last act, it fails to break the curse of videogame film adaptations due prec... Read the rest
Review by DallasBob
- Username: DallasBob
I'm just an ordinary joe. I've never played the game this movie is adapted from but from what I hear it's pretty fun. The movie itself is okay for a treasure hunting movie. The action is good and keeps flowing, and the actors, Holland (latest Spid... Read the rest
Review by JPV852
- Username: JPV852
Good adventure-thriller in the vein of Tomb Raider. Visual effects for the most part were decent and liked seeing Tom Holland in a lead role other than Spider-Man (where he excels) and he's good here. Now this is coming from someone who has never pla... Read the rest