Power Rangers
Together we are more.
0.00 / 6.00

Year: 2017
Status: Released
Length: 124 min
Director: Dean Israelite
IMDB: Link to IMDB
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Language: English
Country: United States of America, Canada
Budget: $100,000,000
Revenue: $142,337,240
Popularity: 72.60
Description: Saban's Power Rangers follows five ordinary teens who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove — and the world — is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome their real-life issues and before it’s too late, band together as the Power Rangers.
Main Actors
Movie Reviews
Review by Reno
- Username: Rangan
It was one of those films known that it would fail even before being made. I've rated the rebooted 'Fantastic Four' better than this. I am not a 'Power Rangers' fan, but I was looking forward to it. Expected to be a decent, not this low. The major is... Read the rest
Review by Gimly
- Username: Ruuz
I grew up on Power Rangers, I always loved them, even as an adult I re-watch Mighty Morphin' about once a year. But it's never been "good", so for 2017's Hollywood go-over to even come across as well as it did is impressive, but still, in keeping wit... Read the rest
Review by Per Gunnar Jonsson
- Username: Dark Jedi
Buying this movie was of course pretty much a request from my kids although I have to confess that I, as a Science Fiction geek, was at least a tiny bit interested in seeing what they had managed to cook together on a big budget. For the record I fin... Read the rest
Review by TopKek
- Username: topkek327
Loud, trashy, sweet and weird, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reboot “Power Rangers” is not merely an ideal film for rambunctious and undemanding 12-year olds, it actually sees the world through their eyes. In theory, the heroes are high school ... Read the rest